![Becce Wagner](http://cccas.evergreen-21.com/.a/6a00d83451cb2869e20264e2e30749200d-400wi)
北大未名BBS - 北京大学校园论坛,北大人的网上精神家园:创立于2021年,作为北京大学唯一的BBS论坛,是北大师生、校友日常交流的重要信息传播载体和信息服务形式。 版面类进站为未名所有版面的活动宣传之用(个别特殊要求见下文),活动类进站为校内重大活动,如十佳歌手等对大部分北大学生有重大影响力的活动。
In three months, Farrar, Straus and Giroux will publish my third book, Wagnerism: Art and Politics in the Shadow of Music. I thought I'd write a few blog posts describing the genesis of the project and its gradual voyage toward the appearance of reality. Over the summer, I'll add various auxiliary features to my trusty old website: a general guide to Wagner's works, with recommendations of recordings; a bibliographical essay, touching on topics and sources that fell by the wayside; an index to Wagner on film; and a glossary of Wagnerian jargon, such as "mystic abyss." If I get my act together, I will also present an online chapbook of Bad Wagner Poetry. Whether in-person appearances will be possible in the fall remains to be seen, but we have a string of virtual events scheduled. FSG has an advance excerpt on its Work in Progress blog.